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Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Resources

Sexual harassment, assault, and violence have no place in our community. If you are in need of assistance, there are resources available for you on campus, and we will also help you to access off-campus resources. Use the accordion menu and links below to find on-campus and off-campus resources, report an incident, or file a complaint.

Maine Maritime Academy is committed to maintaining a safe environment for our students, faculty, and staff. Sexual harassment, assault, and violence have no place in our community.

If you are in need of assistance, there are resources available for you on campus.

MMA’s Title IX Coordinator can help you:

  • Learn about the options and resources available
  • File an official complaint with the College
  • File a complaint with local police authorities
  • Receive medical attention or have evidence collected at a hospital
  • Request supportive measures such as a no-contact order, changing classes or housing
  • Access counseling services

Heidi Pugliese
Title IX Coordinator
(207) 326-2659

Deidra Davis
Deputy Title IX Coordinator

If you need immediate assistance, please contact MMA’s Campus Safety office by email at or by phone at (207) 326-2479. If would like a callback from the Title IX Coordinator, please provide a number for a callback.

If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911.

Title IX Advisory Committee

MMA’s Title IX Advisory Committee is comprised of Heidi Pugliese and Deidra Davis.

Counseling Services

Monday through Friday | 8 AM to 4 p.m.

We are offering face-to-face & remote counseling and walk-in appointments are also available.

If you have questions regarding MMA’s Counseling Services or would like to make an appointment, please contact Tonya Murray, LCPC, Director of Counseling, at (207) 326-2644. You may also email Additionally, Tonya Murray serves as a Confidential Resource Advisor to those who have experienced sexual assault.

Hancock County Sheriff’s Department

If you would like to request assistance from the Hancock County Sheriff’s department but would like MMA staff to help you coordinate contact or support you through that process, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator will help you contact the HCSD so they can send an officer to initiate a report.

If you would like to seek assistance outside of Maine Maritime Academy, there are several resources in the local community to support your needs.

Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault

The Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MeCASA) provides a 24-hour statewide sexual assault crisis and support line. If you would like to:

  • learn about options
  • access a victim’s advocate or counselor
  • request medical attention or to have evidence collected at the hospital
  • file a police report

Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault: 1-800-871-7741

MeCASA also offers online chat support with patient advocates throughout the week, Monday through Friday, between 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., at

Hancock County Sheriff’s Office

To contact the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office, please call (207) 667-8866.

50 State Street, Suite 10
Ellsworth Maine 04605

If you are in an emergency situation, please call 911.

Regional Hospitals

To seek immediate medical attention, please go directly to the hospital. In our region, all Northern Light hospitals (including in Bangor, Blue Hill, and Ellsworth), Waldo County General Hospital, and St. Joseph Hospital have Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs). Each SAFE nurse is a trained staff member who can collect evidence; call in advance to assure that a SAFE nurse is on duty.

Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
Bangor, Maine
(207) 973-7000

Northern Light Blue Hill
Blue Hill, Maine
(207) 374-3911

Northern Light Ellsworth
Ellsworth, Maine
(207) 664-5311

St. Joseph Hospital
Bangor, Maine
(207) 907-1000

Waldo County General Hospital
Belfast, Maine
(207) 505-4123

Next Step Domestic Violence Project

If you are the victim of domestic violence or stalking and need to request confidential assistance, contact the Next Step Shelter in Ellsworth.


AMHC Sexual Assault Services:

Contact AMHC to ask questions, gather information, or just talk with an advocate about what you are experiencing. All services are free and confidential for students, faculty, and staff. To make an appointment call AMHC’s Call Center at 1-800-244-6431.

Please be aware that AMHC is not affiliated with Maine Maritime Academy.  Speaking with the advocate at AMHC is a confidential, off-campus interaction. If you wish to report an incident of sexual misconduct to Maine Maritime Academy, please contact MMA’s Title IX Coordinator at

Please review this document to learn about the different options available for reporting and their respective processes.

Options for Victims of Sexual Assault

Submitting a report via this form does not mean you are submitting a formal complaint to the MMA Title IX Coordinator. Submitting an anonymous report provides the Academy with important information regarding the prevalence of sexual misconduct on campus; however, the Academy is unable to investigate or act upon such information. If you choose to provide contact information, the Title IX Coordinator will follow up with information about options and offer supportive measures. Providing your contact information is not the same as filing a formal complaint with MMA’s Title IX Coordinator. That is one of the options that will be offered to you.
This form may be used to submit reports of incidents of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct or domestic violence. Examples might include unwelcome sexual contact or advances; sexual assault; unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature communicated verbally, physically, or through social media; stalking; domestic violence; or exclusion from an activity based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Yes, you can. Witnesses or those who have been told of an incident of sexual harassment or misconduct can report such incidents via this form or by contacting MMA’s Title IX Coordinator at

The intent of this form is not to collect your information if you wish to remain anonymous, but to gather information about incidents at MMA. This form does not collect any identifying information unless directly provided in the form by the submitter, including identifying computer information such as IP address.

This form does not require the submitter to be on the Maine Maritime Academy network.

Reports made through this form are available only to the Title IX Coordinator and Investigators. If you choose to remain anonymous, the information in the report will be added to statistics and data collection and, if the incident is considered a “reportable” crime under the Clery Act, will be included in the Academy’s crime statistics.

If you provide contact information, the Title IX Coordinator will contact you regarding resources and options.

The Title IX Coordinator and Investigators are committed to honoring your privacy in this process and only sharing information on a need-to-know basis.

Should you decide to file a formal complaint, the information in the report will be shared with one of the Title IX Investigators who will investigate the complaint. Only the Academy staff involved in Title IX investigations have the ability to view the information in the report form.
If you filed an anonymous report, you may file a follow-up report and indicate that this is linked to your initial report and not a separate incident. If you provide your contact information, you can share this additional information with the Title IX Coordinator or Investigator.

To file a formal complaint with MMA’s Title IX Coordinator, contact them at or 207-326-2659.

Maine Maritime Academy reports statistics of sexual assault in our annual Clery Report. However, these reports are limited by federal regulation to specific geographical locations on campus. Since Maine Maritime Academy’s Honor Code and policies cover incidents beyond these geographical boundaries, we share this information in our annual reporting in addition to the Clery Report. Additional information, shared as part of MMA’s Reporting Transparency Initiative, can be found at the link below.

Reporting Transparency Initiative

Maine Maritime Academy is committed to maintaining a safe environment for our students, faculty, and staff. Sexual harassment, assault, and violence have no place in our community.

Title IX Policies and Procedures

How to File a Title IX Complaint

To file an official complaint, please contact MMA’s Title IX Coordinator or Investigator as soon as you are able:

Title IX Coordinator
Heidi Pugliese
Leavitt Hall
Title IX Investigator
Deidra Davis
Curtis Hall

Please also contact Campus Safety at 207-326-2479 and review Policy 201.2 regarding MMA’s Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures if you are able.

How to request confidential assistance after a sexual assault without making a Title IX Complaint

If you do not wish to make an official Title IX Complaint, but would like to request confidential assistance, please:

  • Contact Counseling Services. We are offering remote and in-person counseling at this time. If you have questions regarding MMA’s Counseling Services or would like to make an appointment, please contact Tonya Murray, LCPC, Director of Counseling Services, at (207) 326-2644. You may also email If you would prefer to meet with a female counselor, please indicate so when contacting counseling services.
  • Contact the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MeCASA). MeCASA is organized to end sexual violence and to support high-quality sexual violence prevention and response in Maine communities. Free, private support is available 24/7.If you need help, call 1-800-871-7741.

Amnesty Statement:

Maine Maritime Academy strongly encourages students who believe that they are victims of or witnesses to sexual misconduct to immediately report that misconduct.

Students who report sexual misconduct will not be disciplined for alcohol violations that are disclosed by their report or disclosed during a related follow-up and are related to the events surrounding the reported misconduct.

Policies & Procedures

Policy 201.1: Procedure on Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Affirmative Action Complaints
This policy establishes a procedure for receiving and investigating student, employee, applicant and any other complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and affirmative action.
Read Policy

Policy 201.2: Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure
This policy defines and proscribes sexual harassment and explains how complaints will be handled by the Academy under Title IX regulations.
Read Policy

POLICY 604: Student Sexual Misconduct and Assault, Stalking, and Relationship Violence
This policy defines and proscribes non-consensual sexual activities, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence not governed by Title IX.
Read Policy

Training of Title IX Coordinator and Investigator

MMA’s Title IX Coordinator and Investigator complete annual trainings to ensure the Academy’s compliance with federal regulations and best practices.

Title IX Audit Report

In Fall 2020, Maine Maritime Academy engaged the services of an outside legal firm to conduct an audit of our policies, procedures, and practices regarding Academy responses to allegations of sexual assault and to conduct a review of recent cases. Allen Kropp, an attorney at Drummond Woodsum who formerly worked for the federal Office of Civil Rights and has extensive expertise in Title IX compliance, conducted the audit.

To be clear, this is a legal review of our Title IX policies, procedures, and practices to determine if we are complying with the law. A separate Culture of Respect Collective (CRC) was launched to explore our current climate, assess where we are, and identify areas for improvement. This two-year NASPA sponsored Culture of Respect Collective guides MMA through a comprehensive audit of our campus culture and develops a plan to address systemic issues of inequity at MMA.

While the audit report does not directly address culture, it contains insightful observations and provides clear recommendations. The Title IX Advisory Committee and the administration are reviewing the recommendations and will develop a timeline for implementation.

Read Audit Report

MMA’s Title IX Advisory Committee is comprised of Heidi Pugliese and Deidra Davis. The Title IX Advisory Committee meets once a week.

SASH Support and Resource Advisors are faculty and staff from across campus who are committed to assisting students who need support and guidance learning about their options and making informed decisions. SASH Support and Resource Advisors are here for you. Respondents (students that have been accused) are also encouraged to seek support and resources.  Advisors with an * after their name are provided additional training to support respondents.

Ren Albon | Professor

Delaney Brown | Sailing Coach |

Rob Carter | Professor | 201 Dismukes Hall

Tricia Carver | Volleyball Coach & Associate Director of Athletics | Smith Gymnasium

Ann Cleveland | Professor | 204 Dirigo House

Jeff Cockburn | Transfer Enrollment Specialist | Quick-Platz Hall

Ferry Foster | Human Resources Generalist | 1st Floor Leavitt Hall

Erin Frank | Environmental Health and Safety Manager / Windlass House

Dan Gardner*|Assistant Director Res Life | 129 Curtis Hall

Kelly Gualtieri | Deputy Commandant | 133 Curtis Hall

Deb Harman | Director of Career Services | 211 Quick Platz Hall

Andrew Kingston | Professor | 205 Dismukes Hall

Kathy MacArthur | Cadet Shipping Coordinator | Quick Platz Hall

Sarah O’Malley | Professor | 101 Dirigo House

Kristen Pratt | Professor | 100 Dismukes Hall

Christine Skwiot* | Professor of Humanities | 200 Dismukes Hall

Adam Slazas* | Professor | Perkins House, 1st Floor

Allison Tunick | Professor | 203 Perkins House

LeAnn Whitney | Professor | 201 Dirigo House

Kerry Whittaker |Professor | 101 Dirigo House

Kyle Willette | Company Officer | 132 Curtis Hall

Culture of Respect SchoolSince Maine Maritime Academy joined NASPA’s Culture of Respect Collective, the collective has guided our Culture of Respect planning group in an assessment of the Academy’s campus culture and sexual misconduct prevention and response procedures. The planning group has finalized priorities and action steps directly related to the assessment. We are pleased to be making progress on this critical work and look forward to bringing opportunities to faculty, staff, and students in the coming months.To read recent updates:

2021 Program Announcement

In 2020, Maine Maritime Academy applied for and was accepted into NASPA’s Culture of Respect Collective. This ambitious two-year program is dedicated to ending sexual misconduct on college campuses. As the first maritime college to participate in this innovative program, we are proud to join a cohort of institutions around the country that are seeking to create meaningful change.

The Culture of Respect program will guide a committee of MMA students, faculty, and staff through a self-assessment process designed to create a positive shift in our campus culture. The committee will undertake this work as part of a national cohort. “Each diverse cohort relies on an expert-developed public health framework, cross-campus collaboration, and peer-led learning to make meaningful programmatic and policy changes. Participating institutions receive strategic support and technical assistance throughout the process, as well as detailed documentation of campus-initiated changes that support survivors, prevent sexual violence, and communicate that violence is unacceptable.

Our goal is to create an environment where all students feel welcome and respected. We value their unique contributions to our community. We will continue to create opportunities for students to learn about others’ experiences so that they become impactful, responsible leaders.– Dr. Elizabeth True, Vice President for Student Affairs